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Learn about JoyPhone's
Key Features

The Joyphone is an idea that can be replicated by anyone with basic electronics skills and care about a practical and fun dementia management solutions.


With a few easily available parts from an online electronics retailer or local supplier, a rotary phone and our free build & instruction plans as well as our free 3D print files and software, you'll have everything needed to build your personalized JoyPhone.


The unique musical experience created by the JoyPhone, will create happy memories in every home where someone care about bringing some joy into daily life of people living with dementia. 


Learn about the exciting features of the JoyPhone below:




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3D printable electronics  housing

Standardized telephone connection

Simple configuration software

Adjustable volume



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Create your own playlist


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Set up telephone reminders


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Build for the public good


Your vintage donor phone will remain fully  intact.  All the technology that will form the beating heart of JoyPhone will be designed to fit in a small 3D printable box, including making it accidental spill resistant.  


Dial any number from 0-9 to listen to a tune that has been loaded onto the JoyPhone box with the software. The song will repeat until a new number is dialled or the handset is replaced.


The connection from the JoyPhone box to the vintage rotary phone will be established using the standard RJ11 connector that is already on your phone.


It will be a fun activity to set-up the initial playlist and in the process, discover the music memories of your loved ones.  A special heritage playlist will be made available on this website to get anyone started.


The JoyPhone set-up is done using a PC and free software which will allow anyone to set-up the initial song playlist and set the reminder timings.


A reminder function can be set-up in the software to make the phone ring at pre-determined timings to play a tune or a recorded voice message.


An important feature of the electronics is the ability to adjust the handset volume to help those who may have hearing issues.


All fellow hobbyists and electronics geeks are empowered to replicate the JoyPhone and spread the joy in their local neighborhoods.  All build plans, parts lists, written instructions and assembly videos will be available on this website for all to use for free.

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